
I launched a blog! It’s been almost a full year of Eats By Alex, so the time has come to further our brand and start to share recipes, restaurants, and stories of others out there making the most of life.

A little background on why I started Eats By Alex.

We don’t need to keep beating a dead horse: 2020 was a shit year. However, from that pile of ashes, will always rise a stronger & weathered person ready to conquer. For me, it was a sudden breakup. My first heartbreak. With that brings along: anger, feelings of inadequacy, loss of trust, and physical pain. Legit, you feel a hole - gaping wide - and no one can fix this for you…

Except yourself.

So it was time for self-improvement, because regardless of the situation… if you are the dumpee or the dumper - you need to fix yourself. You were clearly not able to withstand the seasons of a relationship, so nows the time to make that happen. I turned to coping mechanisms like: cycling, reconnecting with lost passions, checking in with friends, and I focused A LOT on cooking.

Now, living by yourself in Los Angeles (going through this period), SUCKS ASS. No other way to put it. So you have to stay busy. I work full-time for Warner Music Group, so immediately after work I’d take a 2 hour bike ride, then come home and experiment with cooking. It was to my shock, that what I was cooking… was good. And like WAY better then what I’d been able to cook in the past.

So I remember I made a banana bread (actually for a date I was going on - then she told me she wasn’t interested… but that it was “BOMB” lol), that was my very first Instagram post. Then I just started keeping a “diary” of everything I made, and the audience grew.

And grew.

And kept growing.

Now we’re projecting towards 10k followers in our first year, and I’m beyond words. What started as a fun way to fill time, became a support system and almost second family to me. (Also, I was dating… so it looked pretty good on my Hinge profile. I think my girlfriend will agree to that LOL)


But, it’s time to grow beyond just food pics. I’m making a website and blog to showcase the importance of quality food and it’s impact on mental health. How taking the time at the beginning, middle, or end of a day - to make a fresh meal - helps calm you down and give you a sense of pride. It doesn’t need to take hours, or even 30 minutes, but this time is important to regroup with yourself.

My goal is to build a community. So I will be posting interviews with other food lovers, business owners, and people who are trying to get the most out of their lives - because showcasing authenticity means everything to me.

Eats By Alex is 100% inclusive, and we do not promote diets in order for you to be “healthy”. Healthy to me is a mindset, not an image.

To all of you, I say thank you from the bottom of my heart. I can not stress that enough. Welcome aboard.

Much love,



INTRODUCING: Neighbor Spotlight Series